Precision manual Potentiostat-Galvanostat

The device enables the potential (potentiostatic) or current (galvanostatic) polarization of electrochemical systems, when excitated with a fixed signal.

The device, depending on the version, can be equipped with digital meters allowing to measure and read the current values of the working electrode potential and the polarization current. The basic version of the device does not contain built-in digital indicators.


and technical data


Potentiostat – Galvanostat SOLLICH2031 POT-GALV is a precise manual four-electrode device designed for laboratory work.

Device functions

  • The device provides setting of polarization by potential or by constant current and possibility to leave of polarization conditions for any free time.
  • The device provides realization of classical measuring techniques used in electrochemical with external signal stimulation attached to PROGRAMM INPUT:
  • Measuring of stationary potential in time Estat=f(t),
  • Constant potential polarization. Measuring of current and of potential in time function, I, E=f(t),
  • Constant current polarization. Measuring of current and of potential in time function; t, I, E=f(t).
  • The device is equipped in internal digital voltmeter which provides measuring actual values of electrode potential and of current polarization.

Technical data

Line work range of tested electrode± 5 V
Voltage range of auxiliary electrode± 12 V
Maximum current of tested electrode± 200 mA
Ranges of current measurement10 nA to 100 mA
Maximum resolution of current measurement10 pA
Adjustment range of voltage of potential programmer± 2 V & ± 20 V

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