The SOLLICH 2100 v.09 CPS Cathodic Protection Station is designed for cathodic protection of metal structures built on a large area, on its surface, in the ground, water, with very good insulation in relation to the ground. In particular, these are all types of pipelines and gas pipelines.
The Cathodic Protection Station works in a three-electrode system with a reference electrode or in a two-electrode system without this electrode. The -/K cathode and the Ku terminal are connected to the protected structure.
The stations have built-in current interrupter keys and interruption synchronization systems with the GPS signal. This allows them to be used in synchronous measurements using the interruption of the polarization current, without the need to use external devices.
The OK station allows the implementation of the described task automatically by adjusting the operating parameters so as to force the set value of the current or potential. The device has the ability to manually and remotely change the operating mode and parameters.
The station can record the results of the Eo potential measurement in the “oscilloscope” mode. This allows you to view the value of the structure’s potential and the shape and level of interference occurring on it.
The Cathodic Protection Station measures the following parameters:
- Ip – structure polarization current.
- Uak – anode – structure voltage.
- Eon – structure’s switch-on potential.
- Eoff – structure’s switch-off potential.
- Uac_on – RMS value of AC interference signals occurring on the structure.
- Uac_off – RMS value of AC interference signals occurring on the structure.
- E(t) – Measurement of the time course of the structure’s potential. “Oscilloscope” mode